We're halfway there!!! That's amazing to think about. Time has gone quickly so far. In a way, I hope it keeps going quickly. At the same time, I just want to enjoy these next few months of having a little one growing inside of me, of having Tim all to myself, and of being able to sleep whenever I want. :-)
We are still keeping baby names to ourselves at this point. The main reason is that we want the option of changing the name up until we actually meet Baby. We had debated about telling everyone we had decided on California Sequoia regardless of the sex of the baby. It's a neutral name that could be shortened to Cal for a boy or Cali for a girl. But...we thought some might take that seriously.
Nothing terribly interesting happened at the doctor's appointment Thursday. He just poked my belly a little bit and listened to the baby's heartbeat. The next appointment is September 10. I'm not sure if we'll have another ultrasound before the baby is born - I forgot to ask about that.
Dad and I were just talking about this the other day, and it doesn't
seem possible that you are half way there!!!!!!!
You look beautiful!!!!!!! You certainly have the GLOW!!!!!!!
And yes, enjoy the quite times with your husband while you can.
California Sequoia has a nice little ring to it!
Lots of love,
It's so fun that we're pregnant together! :) I am 16 weeks along right now, so we've got 4 months down and 5 to go - it seems like this second pregnancy is going a lot faster - I guess that's probably because I spend all day chasing after a 1-year-old. :) I'm glad you're doing well!!!
You look sooooo cute. Hope you are feeling great!
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