We are back from Ohio! We got in last night around midnight our time - 3 am Ohio time. Tim had a very good idea when he said we should come back in time to have a recovery day before heading back to work. We are going to need it!
Ohio was great. It went way too quickly though. We were able to see pretty much all of our family while we were there. I think we only missed one niece on the Farley side. My 2 brothers and their families who live close enough to drive to Ohio were able to visit for a day or two as well. Josh and his family weren't able to come. Hopefully we will be able to work something out for after the baby is born!
My mom did an excellent job with the baby shower while we were there. The dinner was delicious, the decorations were beautiful - she's good at that kind of thing! One of the games we played was predicting the baby's sex, birthday, length, and weight. My personal favorite prediction was by 2 1/2 year-old Gabriel: "It's a girl! Birth date: Friday. Length: 6 inches. Weight: Kinda heavy." Anyone who was not at the shower is welcome to join in that game! Just leave a comment or send an e-mail with your guesses!
Mom Farley made a delicious Thanksgiving dinner Saturday. It was very yummy. There were even football games on TV to make it feel like actual Thanksgiving. However, the temperature in the high 70's reminded us that it wasn't really November yet.
Here are some pictures from the trip:
At the shower - under one of the beautiufl signs Rachel M. made
With one of many gifts - this one was handcrafted by Aunt Diane. Isn't it beautiful? There were many other beautiful gifts - unfortunately, all the pictures are on Mom's camera and I can't post them unless she sends me copies! (Hint, hint)
With Baby's jungle dirt. Rather than cake, Mom made my favorite dessert and topped it with jungle creatures.
1 comment:
We did have a good time while you were here!!!!
A week ago, the four of us were sitting around the table finishing the favors for the shower!!!!!
All the pictures are great that you posted. Actually, Julie and Pam
have most of the pictures on their cameras. I'll send you what I do have.
So thankful for your safe trip back.
Lots of love,
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