We enjoyed hosting a few people from the church for dinner on Saturday evening. We had a delicious meal and I learned an easy way to make garlic bread!
Sunday was my last day of work. Yay!!! I am officially on maternity leave until 12 weeks after Baby arrives!
Tim and I went to a doctor's appointment yesterday, and everything is still looking great with the baby. His or her head is down - still "floating" though, so we're waiting for the little one to drop. I am not dilated at all yet either. I went on a walk today as part of my new housewife routine - maybe that will help Baby along. :)
We had lunch yesterday with some pastors from the area and their wives. We really enjoyed being able to spend time with them. This is the same group that Tim meets with for breakfast once a month, but these lunches only happen about twice a year. It was a special treat.
This Friday is our annual youth group Progressive Dinner. We will be meeting in the youth room to decorate for Christmas, hosting them at our house for salad, moving to another house for Mexican food, and ending at a third house for dessert. This is usually one of our bigger youth events. I'm looking forward to it!
So thankful that you have a loving
California family!!!
The diaper cake is beautiful!!!
I'm glad to hear that you are able
to "relax" a little before this little one comes along.
Don't do TOO much to help this
baby along (it is four weeks until
the 7th!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Love and Prayers
I'm still voting for the 1st although my girls were all late:) That is the dream, right Tim?!! Let's see, I tried jumping jacks, mall walking, dancing to Raffi-anything!!!!
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