Now for a product review: We have been using cloth diapers for a few weeks now, so I feel I am an expert. :) We chose the BumGenius one size diapers, and they have been working out great for us. The pros: We have only had leaks due to user error (whereas our Pampers seem to leak everytime she is in them). They are just as easy to use as disposables. They are environmentally friendly. After 3 months of use, they will be saving us money. The cons: They are big and take up lots of space in the diaper bag. I have to wash them every other day. That is my product review. I highly recommend these diapers to anyone who will listen. :) Of course, Sarah is only 1 month old...we'll see what I say a year from now!
Look at Sarah's little hand holding my thumb. This was taken when she was one week old:
Look at her cute little feet. This was taken last night:
Oooh love the cute feet!
Love the name conversation ;) She is too precious. I love little baby hands and feet!!
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