Life this week looks vastly different than life three weeks ago. I have my entire family home all day, every day. I only leave the house for work and groceries. Even for groceries, I try to use curbside pick-up as much as possible. I spent the past week without a phone, as mine died the day the shelter-in-place order was issued.
Prior to all this, I looked forward to having anywhere from 1-3 mornings a week child-free, depending on my work schedule. Those mornings would be spent catching up on cleaning at the house while singing along to my favorite music, or shopping for craft supplies and working on projects. Sometimes I would call my parents or a friend to catch up. Other times I would simply sleep, in effort to be well-rested for an upcoming night of work. I had me-time, and I loved it.
Now, most everything has changed. In the midst of these changes, there is increased stress. Transitions always involve stress, whether they are good changes or bad! Transitioning to having my kids home is such a blessing. I love that they take care of each other, play well together, enjoy learning schoolwork at home, and desire to be taught life skills that they see me doing! But it is a change, and it is stressful. They also fight, need snacks every 2 hours (?!?!?!), enjoy saying "Mom" repeatedly all day long, and frankly...they get bored!
One thing I have been thinking about during these few weeks: How are we doing at keeping in contact with each other? Specifically for the Church...what are we doing to encourage one another right now? We are all under stress in one way or another, and we are not able to meet weekly to encourage one another. What are we doing in the meantime?
I have been encouraged in several ways this past week. My daughter's Sunday school teacher sent her lesson in the mail, along with the papers she typically does every week. Another daughter's school teacher wrote her a letter, including an addressed, stamped envelope to make writing back much easier. My girls' piano teacher took time to ask how I was doing and prayed with me over the phone after the girls' lessons this week. We were able to have Bible study via Facebook chat last Monday! My husband's sermon was still possible, courtesy of YouTube.
I just want to encourage you...whether it seems like it or not, you probably have extra time right now. I know I do. I have the 40 minutes every week that I used to spend transporting the girls to and from piano. I have the 20+ minutes I spent every day picking them up from school. I have the 2-4 hours I used to spend shopping (or at least browsing) each week for "non-essentials". What are we doing with that extra time? Are we making good use of it?
This is hard for all of us. So maybe check in with your friends. Spend quality time with your kids. Take a walk with your husband. Write a letter to encourage someone. Download Zoom and have your kids talk to their cousins in Kentucky (on my to-do list!). Find a way to keep in touch. We are still the body of Christ, and we still need each other. Be creative in finding a way to reach out. We all need it.
This current situation is not a surprise to our sovereign God. He will use it for good. James 1, Romans 5, and 1 Peter 1 have all been teaching me this! Let's continue to spend time in prayer, read His Word, and support one another.
How have you been encouraged this past week?
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