This has been a busy week. The man of the house has been especially busy, with some sort of obligation every night of the week except one. For a family that spends a lot of time at home together, this has been a bit stressful. I know he is looking forward to a somewhat calmer and relaxing week ahead. He does have some plans to watch football and shoot clay pigeons.
I have been feeling on top of the world. I am 14 weeks now, and I am enjoying second-trimester bliss. I have energy and appetite again, and I finally cooked a balanced meal again last night! (Until now, the thought of cooked vegetables turned my stomach.) I have been making time to work on a quilt, and I am working on reading through a book for my first official book review (coming soon).
The princess continues to entertain us daily. I captured this picture of her one night when I had forgotten to take a pic-of-the-day. I have a feeling she is going to be difficult to transition to a big-girl bed when the time comes:
A lady from church knitted some outfits and gave the princess two baby dolls. She has actually been playing with them and enjoying them, much to my surprise. She likes to give out kisses:
And make sure they are dressed properly:
But she stil prefers her bears and likes us to put the baby clothes on them:
And I bought her some cheap mittens for car rides - her little hands get so cold. I tried them on her one morning, and she didn't want to take them off. I guess they helped keep her hands warm as she held onto her orange juice!
That's it for us. We did not even attempt Tot School this week, and I do not plan to next week either. Hopefully we will get back into the swing of things after Thanksgiving.